


i am here to share my experience with you. it's our great honor.

our department was established in 20xx. it has 3 majors: secretarial science, logistics, and marketing. these majors are very welcome in market.

international commerce department has more than 600 students in campus, there are about 30 teachers, most of them are master degree, and some of them has professor title.

2 years ago, i come to this school, and chose marketing as my major. i feel great here. our teachers are always patient and dedicated. they share the commercial knowledge and experience in the class, and offer the opportunities to practice in enterprise.

yes, our department has set up relationship with many companies. some of them are the world well-known enterprise. such as ikea, ups, konca, maesk, lenovo, walmark, and so on.

there are also many profession competitions in our department sponsored by the companies. i take part in the selling competition this years. i've got the final championship.


besides the competitions inside our school, we encourage students to join the national-wide competitions. compete with the national-wide colleges and universities. 20xx, we won the championship of national secretary competition. 20xx, we won the second prize of national high school marketing competition, first prize of guangdong province sand board competition. the logistics major is rank as top 10 logistics education brand.

well, it's amazing. i wish one day i would be the championship of the national competition.

sure, you can. there're many excellent students grow up in international commerce department. and they succeeded in their career.

i know. one marketing graduation wtw, who was promoted as a manager in centaline company., he is now in charge of the luohu district real-estate selling. wjr, who was graduated from logistics major, has became a senior supervisor in a large logistics company 2 years later after his graduation.

lq, secretarial science graduation, has been working in a computer enterprise as a secretary for 2years. now she is running her owned it company in shenzhen.

there are still many outstanding students start their career from our department. we're all witnesses. i'm hope i will became a successful marketing manager.

hold on to your dream and put more effort with your heart.

i have many unforgettable experience in our department. we win the general champion of the school sports. our dancing team win dancing competition of school. we have many wonderful parties. i think we are probably the best department in the school. i'm so proud of it.

we are also proud of our student .

please keep in mind, the philosophy of our department: to be professional, to be passion, to be responsibility, to be successful.

yes, i have kept it in mind.

today i share my experience of my department. i grow up with confidence here. i beliefe i will be succeeded in the future. i want to tell everybody here, i love this department.

yes, international commerce department is the place where amazing happens, where success happens. thank you.


ladies and gentlemen,

our seminar had lasted four days. it has achieved tremendous success. more than 20 professors and scholars spoke at the conference. many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively atmosphere. we all benefited greatly by attending this conference.

science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by mankind. they must in turn serve the needs of all the people and work for the interest of world peace. any nation or country must learn from the strong points of other nations of countries, from their advanced science and technology. let's join hands and explore the boundless universe in quest of the never-ending truth of science.

ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for your still greater achievements in your career of science.

now, i declare the conference closed.

thank you


knowledge collaboration and all-round education

ladies and gentlemen,

we engineering students take it for granted that technology is changing incredibly fast. we are thinking nervously and seriously whether our colleges are failing to provide a foundation in the skills currently needed in industry. take my major telecommunications for example. scientists say that 21st century is a biomedical time, not an electrical time. but without the help of electronic data processing and transformation, biomedical technology alone cannot go too far. funny enough, the word biomedical itself is just a combination of two disciplines. so the interdisciplinary exploitation serves as the critical part for our electric and electronics world as well as any other fields to find new way of being.

but the power of knowledge collaboration is certainly not restricted to science and engineering; it is in the full community of learning. walking around campus i absorbed a reality that there is a seamless web between students from different professional backgrounds. the engineering students are discussing animatedly in a philosophy lecture, speaking passionately in the public speaking club, and looking for sparkling ideas from learning history and arts. how wonderful that is! that, ladies and gentleman, is just a significant step forward to be well-rounded because once we jump out of the circle we can see the bigger picture.

my friends, i hope that you have already got what university is all about. please let me end my speech with the nobel prize winner li zhengdao’s words: “the realization of the perfect combination of science and engineering, science and arts, technology and humanity, is the greatest symbol of a university’s success.” thank you.







good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

consider the lowly toilet. many of you may not think of the toilet as a form of technology if you think of toilets at all. but, it is and has contributed greatly to the improved health and overall quality of life for mankind.

on a recent trip to japan, i was impressed by, among other things, a gadget in most public women's restrooms, called otohime or sound princess. this device produces the sound of flushing water without the need for actual flushing. the technology saves the user both the embarrassment of being heard during urination and some 20 liters of water per use in cases where a woman might flush the toilet continuously while using it.

every time i used otohime, i felt like a princess, an environmentalist princess on the toilet.

it was a longed for feeling. over the past decade, i shuffled in and out of many kinds of public restrooms in china--filthy smelly water closets in outlying areas, spacious luxurious lavatories in five-star hotels, forever-occupied girls' stalls on campus during school, and smart modern mobile toilets in international fairs. but not one single "room" evoked my pride of being a princess.

and i knew why the sound princess had. it was not because of the high technology the small bathroom boasted which is becoming ubiquitous worldwide. it was the idealism embodied in the technology that keeps reminding me that in this ever-changing world, i am a responsible and dignified human being even when sitting on a toilet.

humanism, no matter how it is defined, aims to strike a balance between us being at the mercy of nature and being too human-centered. in my case, i haven't relieved myself under a tree for a while. i am a proud, dutiful chinese citizen. gone are the days when people just found a corner to do their business resulting in poor sanitation and threats to public health. the otohimetechnology renders me two warnings: first, i am a humble human being with an obligation to save not only my face but also natural resources. second, there is still a long way to go in my own country not just in developing technology and the economy, but also in upholding human dignity and promoting human welfare. take the toilet: dirty, crowdedtoilets shall, at least, give way to clean, human-friendly ones.

fortunately, i have seen improvements. at shanghai world expo 20xx, 8,000 toilets, all modern and technologically sophisticated, were installed across the site. what really delighted the visitors, however, was the user-friendly design and services. toilets were situated every 100 meters. several hundred volunteers served as toilet guides and sanitation workers. the ratio of female to male toilet space was set at 2.5 to 1. soft music was played in the toilets. all this seems to celebrate the glory of comprehensive humanism.

ladies and gentlemen, science and technology are here to improve earthly life and maximize human happiness. when our world benefits from technology, coupled with human considerations, we are bound to enjoy our life. conversely, we suffer.

the toilet is a piece of sanitaryware and the quintessence of humanism that underlies technological innovation. like gnp, employment rates, and space exploration efforts, the lowly equipment is an equally important measure of a progressive society. when on a toilet if we feel like a princess, we shall be proud of living in a society that values humanity. if not, we must stand up and make some changes.

and if you are still baffled with what i have said, i suggest you take off right now and go experience the bathrooms in this auditorium, because they are what makes our life beautiful or ugly, humanism considered or ignored.


a girl's football story

maybe you are surprised why i choose this ,there is a i met my boyfriend,i knew nothing about football and would change channel immediately if a football game was everything changed at the end of last term.

he——my beloved,broke into my heart with his beloved has a fanatical enthusiasm to watch matches in deep night and a "football brain" to remember all those stars' names,nicknames,likes and dislikes,the clubs' histories and the coaches' preferred tactics and so also he is a member of the college team,and plays it twice a week at r,i can only become a mute every time the round ball rolls between us.

one afternoon i was in dormitory and had nothing to do,and then i missed ng on the balcony,i could see the court clearly,and he was running,kicking and shooting as usual.i felt a little bit sense of te made fun of me,"you're his wife,and football is his is always not the opponent of lover." oh god!will i become a "football widow"?surely not!i decided to change myself instead of just waiting until the ball change to a i know more about football,the one who feel the sense of loss will be him.

watching matches together with him,surfing the internet for football news,and paying more attention to other football information,i became sensitive to this lly i was addicted to the excellent and popular sport.

i know many female fans scream when their favorite football stars appear despite they even don't know what is "offside".i won't be that kind of ll shows us not only those stars' inspanidual charm but also the spirit of sport:strength and beauty,teamwork and fair example,formerly i thought david beckham's appearance make him so popular but now i know that his long-pass and right-foot free kick are as outstanding as his appearance,and certainly,his pink news is also so outstanding as well.i used to believe that stars wouldn't be good r,raul's eternal celebration motion for score of kissing marriage ring really touched me and changed me.

football is not only a sport to me.i have begun to go through the world and i will let it go on,not in order to frustrate my boyfriend,but because the football itself is waving to me.









the dragon boat festival, must not not include dumplings! today, my sisteris teaching me the dumplings! you see.

make zongzi must be prepared. my sister was ready to soak for three hoursof glutinous rice and bought the leaves, which surprised me.

i put my rice in the leaves, and i was all over the table, and i was sister said to me, "you want to make a triangular shape of the leaf and putthe rice in it!"

so i did what my sister said, and pressed it on the rice. what's in themiddle of that dish? it was minced meat! i dug a small hole in the middle of theglutinous rice and made it into a round shape, stuffing it into glutinous riceand adding it to the glutinous rice. how can you seal it? i looked at my sisterand knew everything.

i pressed down one of the warped leaves and pressed the rope hard. success!i covered a lot of them in the previous method. now it's time to get the potdown, boil the water first, and then put the dumplings on.

after a while, the dumplings were cooked. the four of you sat at the tableand ate the dumplings.

i untied the rope and was trying to remove the leaves, but when i touchedit, it was hot. her sister looked and laughed. i blew and blew the heat away. iagain carefully will leaves open, eat up to her delicious dumplings - among allbe stuffed glutinous rice, wrapped in a delicious meat, fresh juice in yourmouth, no oil is not greasy, and chewy, feels so good!

so the dragon boat festival in the past, his mouth to eat with his handpackage dumplings, thought the tang dynasty poet du fu wrote poems: palaceclothing is famous, dragon boat be reward. the wind is soft and the snow islight. when the weather is wet, let's go to the heat. the meaning is the lengthof the word, the whole life.

what a happy dragon boat festival!











the blue sky and white clouds hope that somehow the freedom of flight. teachers and parents we hope that the healthy growth. now i’d like to write music to harmonious campus.

harmony is the common feature of all the beautiful things. achieve harmony and to build a harmonious and civilized campus environment will be an eternal theme. building a harmonious campus to establish a harmonious relationship with students. teachers to enlighten the knowledge of our culture from naive to mature. we need to pay teachers’ cherish.

building a harmonious campus students need to establish harmonious relations. help them and let them feel the warmth of harmonious campus. maintain a good attitude of tolerance towards people the students are friendly to each other to create a harmonious interpersonal relationships.

the need to build a harmonious campus to establish good study a good ethos. we should promote a vibrant style of the team a real study the unity displayed a style of class and diligence to make personal style in a good environment. the students forge ahead and to the ideal of hard work. learning positive thereby creating a harmonious atmosphere for education.

the flower opens the day let’s us happily study in the harmonious atmosphere.

the flower opens the day let’s us influence the sentiment in the harmonious interest paradise.

the flower opens the day let’s us healthily grow in the harmonious relationship.

future will not be the dream today in our hand.

thank you~


good morning/evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen :

today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents.

first, i'd like to define the word"talent" in my idea, a talent is one person who is good at or expertised in some or multiple areas. nowadays, as the world developing goes on , if one country want to rank top or do a good job in the world, the country must have many example, china, the biggest developing country in the world, in the past 100 years, is always invaded by other countries, why ,the reason is that china at that time had not so many talents.

if they had anti-intrusion leader talents in the war, needless to say,they would have beat those big they had talents in weapons manufacturing, nodody dares to provoke r, nowadays, it's a totally different situation, china has become powerfulin all over the world, why ?

because there are many talents serving the country, the civilians become more and more and more people go to university,more and more people come to receive further education.

so what is that in return,talents in army protect our country from invasion, talents in commerce help make our economy keep in improving, talents in aerospace make the world see chinese manned spacecraft flying. talents in sports make china rank the first in the olympic sum up, talents will play a more and more impoetant role in the world, if one country intends to flourish, he must foster talents as many as they can ,that's all,thank you.


a general dictionary defines teamwork as a "cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause unison for a higher cause people working together for a selfless purpose and so on."applied to workplaces teamwork is a method that aligns employee mindsets in a cooperative and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose.

today there is no business or organization that does not talk about the need and value of teamwork in the workplace. while the concept of teamwork and its benefits are well known and talked about it is very rare to see it being practiced truly in reality. and you may have often noticed what appears outwardly as teamwork is not really teamwork internally. some things cannot be accomplished by people working inspanidually. larger more ambitious goals usually require that people work together with other people. because of this teamwork is a desired goal of many businesses and organizations today. projects often require that people work together in order to accomplish a common goal. although critics often argue that in the corporate world teamwork has become an empty buzzword or a form of corporate-speak. effective collaborative skills are necessary to work well in a team environment. as businesses and organizations become larger or more sophisticated. many employers attempt to enhance their employees' collaborative efforts through training cross-training and workshops in order to help people effectively work together in a cohesive group and accomplish shared goals.

human beings are fiercely independent animals and we will always have our own opinions and independent methods of doing something. this is the way our minds are hardwired by nature. except for a very small percentage of us sharing and collaboration with others is not exactly programmed inside each and every one of us. this is because each person is mainly concerned about his or her rewards appreciation need for power over others and so on. but teamwork is a different ballgame that aligns mindsets in a cooperative and usually selfless manner towards a specific business purpose. and it involves sacrifices sharing of rewards sharing the blame and punishments true uniformity suppression of personal opinions etc. which is not very palatable to many. it is always "what is in it for me" rather than "what is in it for us.

in order for teamwork to succeed one must be a teamplayer. a teamplayer is one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort with other members of a group or team in striving for a common goal. businesses and other organizations often go to the effort of coordinating team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team rather than as inspaniduals.

a 20xx national representative survey how-fair revealed that americans think that 'being a team player' was the most important factor in getting ahead in the workplace. this was ranked higher than several factors including 'merit and performance' 'leadership skills' 'intelligence' 'making money for the organization' and 'long hours'.

“the old structures are being reformed. as organizations seek to become more flexible in the face of rapid environmental change and more responsive to the needs of customers they are experimenting with new team-based structures”.

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