


when the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

it's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

don't go for looks; they can deceive. don't go for wealth; even that fades away. go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. find the one that makes your heart smile.


maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

when the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

it's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

don't go for looks; they can deceive. don't go for wealth; even that fades away. go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. find the one that makes your heart smile.


the family is one of the best things in the world, it is spring, moistensdry up your mind, it is light, light the way forward for me, it is a cup of tea,warm me.

if nature is used to describe the family, the love is the sun in thewinter, it's warm. no matter you are what kind of injustice, the family will notlaugh at you, it will comfort you, when you meet with difficulties, it willimmediately give you hope and the power, let you solved.

the final exam approaching, nature is a tension, teacher than a studentstill nervous. the most obvious evidence, homework more.

recently, english became my sorrow. recite the text is my nightmare. thenight, the wind has not respected bone, i stay up late to work overtime tobecome commonplace.

back home, first thing is to review. as time goes by, the window is atnight, when others are fast asleep, lang lang came home, national who issurprised, remembered that is yourself. father woke up, sleepy, fear to say:"the child hard, go to bed early." i nodded slightly, but let me have morepower.

the family is warm in the winter the sun, you warm me, you gave meunlimited power and hope. you are my life the fine night, the lowest in mylife.


good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

i am glad to be here to share my opinions with all of you. my topic today is about internet.

with the development of technology, more and more people are fond of using internet. it is particularly popular among young people. just

like the coin has two sides, internet also has its own advantages and disadvantages.

first of all, the internet has brought people great convenience in getting information, entertainment and contact with each other. as for our students, it is a useful tool when we meet problems. when we are tired, a piece of light music will help us relax. if we have free time, we can enjoy movies or interesting cartoons. what’s more, we can also watch live programs on the internet or see it later if we are not available at that time.

but there is also bad influence. some of the young teenagers are addicted to computer games, and some even play games all night. because of lacking in sleep, those students can not focus on in the class . as a result, they may fail in the exam. when they realize it is wrong to spend too much time playing games, it’s already too late.

i have remembered such a piece of news . an excellent student flunked (考试不及格) because he could not concentrate on his study for being too indulged in computer games. he spent nearly all the money on games, which was earned by his father's selling blood. when his father knelt down to beg him to return to school, he was too numb to show any regret.

the most serious harm of computer games come from their contents, which affects teenagers ' mental health. many games involve violence, such as fighting and killing. when they enjoy the pleasure of success, a violent turn of mind is developed and rooted in them, which may induce future violent behaviour in their life.

so when computers' entertaining function is highly spoken of ,such a problem does deserve our serious concern.

in addition, long time's working before computer also does harm to health. the radiation from the computer can arose many uncomfortable feelings., like a headache, poor eyesight.

at last, people who are fond of making friends on line should also be careful. many convicts use internet as a way to cheat. although it has many disadvantages , internet has become an indispensable part of people's life in recent years. in my point of view, it’s wrong to blame internet itself, it’s all depend on the way we use it. if we use it in a right way, it can be one of the best friends in our life. that 's all , thank you !


although, you are my adversary. but, you are not my enemy, you will give me strength, your resistance to make me strong, your spirit ennobles me... thank you, my rival! because of you, only then has taught me to cherish! because of you, makes me beyond yourself!

this is the olympic spirit, is the explanation of real competition. the arena of the race, you value in life requires the existence of rival makes sense, can be realized. no opponent, life would be boring; no opponent, success will lose should have a sense of achievement.

you are "top players" in study. because of you, i desire to burst out for the first. so i work harder, more hard work. though, i can't decide the outcome of the last, but my grades have been beyond my imagination, to my satisfaction. thank you, my opponent! because of you, make me to answer out of a satisfactory answer!

are you a left arrow on the playground. is because of you, i'm ready to move to the "beyond". so i didn't come through, i will try my best to fight for every step. although, i finally is not the first, but i have got and i hadn't thought of. thank you, my opponent! it was because of you that makes me beyond yourself!

you and i have the same dream. in the talent market, i met you. after fierce competition, i got the job i want, and you, only to regret left here. although i hadn't met you, but i am full of gratitude to you! because of you, i will cherish this hard-won work!







justice story: "impeachment" is attended -- "is intended for occasional and extraordinary cases where a superior power acting for the whole people is put into operation to protect their rights and rescue their liberties from violations." we know about the huston plan. we know about the break-in of the psychiatrist's office. we know that there was absolute complete direction on september 3rd when the president indicated that a surreptitious entry had been made in dr. fielding's office, after having met with mr. ehrlichman and mr. young. "protect their rights." "rescue their liberties from violation."

the carolina ratification convention impeachment criteria: those are impeachable "who behave amiss or betray their public trust."4 beginning shortly after the watergate break-in and continuing to the present time, the president has engaged in a series of public statements and actions designed to thwart the lawful investigation by government prosecutors. moreover, the president has made public announcements and assertions bearing on the watergate case, which the evidence will show he knew to be false. these assertions, false assertions, impeachable, those who misbehave. those who "behave amiss or betray the public trust."

james madison again at the constitutional convention: "a president is impeachable if he attempts to subvert the constitution." the constitution charges the president with the task of taking care that the laws be faithfully executed, and yet the president has counseled his aides to commit perjury, willfully disregard the secrecy of grand jury proceedings, conceal surreptitious entry, attempt to compromise a federal judge, while publicly displaying his cooperation with the processes of criminal justice. "a president is impeachable if he attempts to subvert the constitution."

if the impeachment provision in the constitution of the united states will not reach the offenses charged here, then perhaps that 18th-century constitution should be abandoned to a 20th-century paper shredder.

has the president committed offenses, and planned, and directed, and acquiesced in a course of conduct which the constitution will not tolerate? that's the question. we know that. we know the question. we should now forthwith proceed to answer the question. it is reason, and not passion, which must guide our deliberations, guide our debate, and guide our decision.

i yield back the balance of my time, mr. chairman.


i have a question for you. ‘do you know how to breathe?’ okay, i know what you are thinking now, “girl, are you kidding me? everybody knows how to breathe.” actually, if i were you sitting down in there one year ago, i would think, “how did she make it to the final?”

alright, seriously speaking, what i am talking about is “the art of breathing”, and it’s about breathing in a yoga way: peacefully and always under control. what it reveals is the real essence of perseverance, “in order to achieve, sometimes, you need to wait.” and when it comes to things you really want in life, it is as hard as it could possibly be.

for me, singing is a life thing. when i am singing on the stage, i feel whole-heartedly involved, and the self-fulfillment it renders is inexplicably thrilling. but with all the realistic problems i need to face in life, all those i want seem too far to be true– so far that i am terrified that i will never ever be able to get there and that gradually i will be carried away by the currents and torrents of life. i’ve been drowned into this ambivalence for so long. now, with a refined perspective towards self-realization, i am waiting, in a graceful posture, and knowing that i am going to get there. and on this, i should say, i owe yoga a thank-you.

i still remember, about one year ago, i attended a yoga course for the very first time. and to tell you the truth, i went there for a nice figure. however, after practicing for some time, i discovered that there was an ineffable inner-strength burgeoning sneakily in me while i totally focused. in order not to let go this significant power, i started to picture all i wanted in my mind while i was fully concentrating, for i believe the wings of imagination could make things possible. i learned to breathe with my dreams, shaping the eagerness into this elegant gesture of persisting.

and now, if you ask me what exactly is “the art of breathing”, i would say it is indeed “the art of living”. it combines the search of balance, the grace of patience, and the awareness of appreciation.

so even though feelings are tied up with life routines, i could still hold onto that free ego which i have always adored: the girl who is singing under the spotlight, with all her heart and soul; the girl who is persevering with all she believes in and always feels grateful for what has been bestowed on her.

that girl is now standing right here in front of you, hoping that you are all as lucky as she is, living with dreams and love. no matter how tough things get, i tell myself, i tell myself that, every single thing i am doing now is every step closer to that very moment of my trajectory, just like every yoga breath to every blossom moment of my life.


growth, so that everything becomes taken by surprise, i stood clear that, called the threshold, while the pure juvenile, adult side of the vicissitudes of life, some at a loss and what to do, i know that when their children have gone through the aryl when the grass to meet the many people i write about the so-called "rainy season."

the epic life opened a new chapter.

growing, when we began to pure self-integration into the alien society, growing pains and pressures will not become free in early. and our lives in the constant subject of annoyance to overcome and resolve in one day change the world, the growth of stereotypes.

growth, the most desire is that with people, the most trouble is to get along with others. when i entered this class, an unfamiliar environment for i am depressed, terrified. and high, in my doubt came to me ... ...

many nights, i dreamed of and one of the students had a wonderful time spent together. more thoughts, the more his heart is closer lock. thus, isolation and loneliness, like a thief just like the volatility. to get up that morning, the dizziness. roommate to see me look bad, with concern, said: "never, right?" i shook his head, they see nothing, i said, no longer speak. but i can see their eyes for a long time in good faith and fraternity. later, the headache was not a person to leave the teacher, went to the clinic, the doctor said that in a cold,吊针fight. looked at the syrup bottle in a drop into the my body, i feel very sad.

looking at the road outside the yellow lights, helplessness and loneliness of the body i occupy. suddenly recall a time when illness, friends of the deep feeling anxious face, and concern about the words, but it all seems more and more distant from me, and all are increasingly blurred.

i do not know how long after, a sudden i can not help but the wind caught pitched battle. then, i see a blur full zhang's face, that they, my friends room. they seem to have the face of the winds because the wind has become clear, smart.

i am full of psychological warmth. i know that in my heart the moment before locking the door, and their greetings and laughter as warm.

now, i found their advantages: some humorous, some wisdom, it was moderate, it was good, but more importantly, i found that this new focus in the same unity, and fraternity.

now i'm re-learned how to exchange, learn how to communicate, more importantly, learned how to grow.

met with high non-butterfly wings, butterfly seen just dance, but we can not ex meiyan forget the origin of the butterfly. the suffering there is no hard and painful struggle and waiting, how can a shell at the time of amazing wings?

growth is the pain in the united states, but also the well-being.


dear classmates:

high three students, our footprint is binding on the cover of the season, the cover page of life, we will go to journey in june next year, run towards the dreams of june.

many people say that the high three students like jingwei filling the stream, his mouth as if never plays with abc and xyz, thick lens grew up, grew thin hair down... three means that enrich the sunrise, sunset.

so, three high school year is doomed to be heavy, heavy learning, heavy, heavy expectations, with lots of attention... everything is in order to heavy harvest. harvest, insist on, in the struggle! nietzsche said: "a tree should grow taller, accept more light, then its root must be deeper into the darkness." and the third year is tough and lonely to grow like a tree.

we all know that: "the youth is beautiful". it not only beautiful in the beautiful appearance, even more beautiful in uplifting the spirit of the beauty in involve forward determination. we are ordinary, because we and other cold window study hard scholar as well as in the dream; we are special, because we need to do is a life the most critical.

content is always happy, not happy people regularly, few people can know need how much effort to realize the dream of heart, we can only move forward, forward, forward again. so we're going to have such a determination and drive: "stick to it, never give up!" don't pick the fruit of autumn in the summer. pick, food is not sweet, abandon a pity, or wait until the harvest season to taste the joy of harvest!


recently, the news that u.s attack on china's internet is always exposed. and the question of how to stay online safely raises a lot of discussion in our country. as a result, in the era of rapid development of network, we must take measures to protect our security of privacy and property effectively.


from my perspective, in the first place, we should call attention to our personal information. not only do we not offer them at random in some strange websites, but we need to distinguish right from wrong among the numerous websites. furthermore, it is inevitable that some secure anti-virus soft wares can be installed. and it will make it possible for that network can run more steadily. in addition to doing some work by ourselves, the government needs to draw up some policies to preserve national cyber security. it involves probing for deeply rooted reasons, devising creative solutions, developing high-tech talents and strengthening the supervision.


although scientists still cannot overcome the problem completely, they are studying a great deal about how to protect our national cyber security. however, consciousness of cyber security should not decline. only in this way, we just enjoy the convenience brought by the network.


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