最全专八改错题常考点 专八改错真题解析汇总


最全专八改错题常考点 专八改错真题解析篇一


a little leak will sink a great ship.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的全国英语专八考试改错题型冲刺练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!

the second most important constituent of the biosphere is liquid water. this can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures,since water freezes at 0°c and boils at 100°c. this is only a tiny range compared with the low temperatures of some other planets and the hot interior of the earth, let the temperature __1__

of the sun.

as we know, life would only be possible on the face of a __2__planet had temperatures somewhere within this range. __3__the earth’s supply of water probably remains quite fairly constant __4__in quantity. a certain number of hydrogen atoms, which are one of the main constituents of water, are lost by escaping from the atmosphere to out space, but they are probably just __5__

about to be replaced by new water rising away from the depths of the __6__

earth during volcanic action. the total quantity of water is not known, and it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe __7__to a depth of about two and three-quarter kms. most of it—97%is in the form of the salt waters of the oceans. the rest is fresh, but three quarter of this is in the form of ice at the poles __8__

and on mountains, and cannot be used by living systems when __9__melted. of the remaining fraction, which is somewhat fewer __10__than 1%of the whole, there is 10-20 times as much stored as underground water as is actually on the surface. there is also a minor,but extremely important, fraction of the water supply

which is present as water vapour in the atmosphere.

^the 加入alone. let alone 意为“更不用说”, 表示一种让步关系。

-surface 根据上下文理解,应该指地球的表面。

^had 加入which或that。这样使得planet后面的句子成为一个定语从句。

4.去掉fairly或quite 意思重复。

改成outer 这里指外层空间。

6.去掉away rise后面不接away。

改成although 短文中这里是让步关系,而不是并列关系。

r改成quarters 英语表达中,当分子是二以上的数时,分母应为复数。

改成until或者unless 根据上下文,这句话的意思应为:除非(冰雪)融化,否则(地球上的')生命系统就无法利用。所以when在这里的意思有误。

改成less 文中的remaining fraction 仍指水,因此不能用fewer,要用less。


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