



the one value that nearly every american would agree upon is inspanidual freedom. whether you call it inspanidual freedom, inspanidualism, or 62 , it is the

cornerstone of american values. it permeates every 63 of their society.

64 their economic system may be dominated by large corporations, the majority of american businesses are small, and many are owned by an inspanidual or a family. it is part of the “american dream” to “be your own boss”, and being an entrepreneur is one of the most 65 ways to improve one’s economic future.

education is often regarded as the key to opportunity, 66 financial security. americans take a pragmatic

67 to learning, so what one learns outside the

classroom 68 internship, extracurricular activities and the like are often considered as important as what is learned in the classroom. 69 , lifelong learning is valued, which results in many adult continuing education programs.

70 aspect of american society that may

71 non-americans is the family. the nuclear family

structure (parents and children) is 72 that in most cultures in the world, so it is often misunderstood. an important 73 of the american family is to bring about the happiness and independence of each inspanidual family member.

privacy is also important to americans. the 74 of inspanidual privacy may sometimes make it slower to make friends. 75 americans respect one’s privacy,

they may not go much 76 afriendly “hello”. ironically, it is usually the foreigner who must be more assertive if a friendship is to be 77 .

the rugged inspanidualism valued by most americans stems from their frontier heritage. early settlers had to be self-sufficient, which 78 them to be inventive. their

success gave them a(n) 79 about the future and a belief that problems could be solved. this positive spirit 80 americans to take risks in areas where others might

only dream, resulting in tremendous advance 81 technology, health and science.

62. a) dignity b) entityc) independence d) autonomy

63. a) aspect b) spacec) view d) angle

64. a) when b) whilec) if d) since

65. a) moderating b) approvingc) appreciating d) appealing

66. a) containing b) incorporatingc) comprising d) including

67. a) approach b) meansc) way d) method

68. a) with b) amongc) through d) upon

69. a) however b) otherwisec) whereas d) consequently

70. a) any b) anotherc) one d) other

71. a) degrade b) evokec) bewilder d) spanert

72. a) unlike b) alikec) like d) liking

73. a) finding b) purposec) prospect d) proposal

74. a) motive b) idealc) comprehension d) notion

75. a) because b) nonethelessc) therefore d) whether

76. a) except b) besidesc) beyond d) despite

77. a) invented b) discoveredc) located d) developed

78. a) constrained b) compelledc) repelled d) reconciled

79. a) pessimism b) passionc) optimism d) suspicion

80. a) encourages b) enablesc) enforces d) ensures

81. a) in b) onc) from d) under























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