2024年动物的英语作文60词 保护濒危动物的英语作文实用


动物的英语作文60词 保护濒危动物的英语作文篇一

it is a sunny morning, my mother and i got up very early, early came to hangzhou zoo, we bought the tickets and entered the zoo, there were so many people in the zoo! old, small, their three group, five groups, really busy! the lush trees, green green, like a big awning, as if to the world of green.

we walked along the winding path, first came to the home of the giraffe, i saw the empty space, two giraffes free walking up and down, while the elongation neck, with relish eating side of tender leaves, and for a moment with the body, with his head down as if mused on what, i was on the side of rail look carefully, suddenly, a bell rings, the original is an elephant, it's time to show, my mother and i ran, i saw a few people in perform as an elephant. the elephant a rolled up the nose, while elongation nose spray, can be fun. we came to the tiger hill, at this time, i saw the one and only, a lot of people there taking pictures! i went also took, "kacha, kacha" i took many pictures. we went to the cave, there are many real tiger, i read in the past, the rows of some tigers in the sleeping, with how people noisy noisy don't wake up it, also slept can, some tiger walking up and down in the above, eyeing looking at people, and the tiger on the ground of waste their lazily in the sun. there are many animals in the zoo, such as the fat panda, called the king of beasts, the lion, and some unknown animal, is really let me open horizon.

unconsciously, time flies, the sun went to bed already came out of the zoo, we had to reluctantly.



我们沿着弯弯曲曲的小路,先来到了长颈鹿的家,只见空旷的场地上,两只长颈鹿自由自在的走来走去,一会儿伸长了脖子,津津有味的吃着一旁嫩嫩的树叶,一会儿弯着身子,低着头好像在沉思着什么,栏杆边上的我正看得认真,忽然,一阵铃声响起,原来是大象表演节目的时间到了,我和妈妈赶紧跑过去,我看见有几个人在跟大象做表演,大象一会儿卷起鼻子,一会儿伸长鼻子喷,可有趣了。我们又来到了虎山,这时,我看见了一只石虎,很多人在那儿拍照呢!我也上去拍了,“咔嚓、咔嚓”我拍了好多照片。我们又来到了山洞里,里面有许多真正的老虎,我一排排的看过去,有的老虎在呼呼地睡大觉,人们怎么吵也吵不醒它,睡得可香了,有的老虎在上面走来走去,虎视眈眈的看着人们,还有的老虎趴在地上懒洋洋地嗮着太阳。 动物园里有许许多多的动物,如胖乎乎的熊猫,人称兽中之王的狮子,还有一些不知名的动物,真是让我大开了眼界。


动物的英语作文60词 保护濒危动物的英语作文篇二

there is only so much land on the earth, and so what we can do with it is limited. some people believe that human needs for farmland, housing and industry should come first, while others believe that some land should be set aside for endangered animals. i am of the opinion that we should reserve some land for the worlds animals for the following reasons.

first, mankinds need for land is constantly growing. if the demand is not checked in some way, humans will eventually develop all of the earths available land. at that time, mankind will have no more room to grow, and all the wild animals will have disappeared, as well as other valuable resources. second, humans are able to innovate and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient ways. animals are unable to do this. once their land is taken away from them they will die. third and last, endangered animals are an important part of the biospanersity of our planet. if they disappear, we cannot predict what the effect will be. therefore, we should treat such animals as a valuable resource to be protected.

to sum up, the worlds endangered animals are an important resource and we should protect them by setting aside some land for them. although mankinds need for land continues to grow, people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better use. in this way, we can have enough land for farming, housing and industry, and preserve the biospanersity of the planet at the same time.





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