


you cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. once time is wasted, life is wasted.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年12月英语六级听力考试快速提分练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!

1. a) the man's tennis racket is good enough.

b) the man should get a pair of new shoes.

c) she can wait for the man for a little while.

d) physical exercise helps her stay in shape.

2. a) the woman will skip dr. smith's lecture to help the man.

b) kathy is very pleased to attend the lecture by dr. smith.

c) the woman is good at doing lab demonstrations.

d) the man will do all he can do assist the woman.

3. a) the woman asked the man to accompany her to the party.

b) steve became rich soon after graduation from college.

c) steve invited his classmates to visit his big cottage.

d) the speakers and steve used to be classmates.

4. a) in a bus. b) in a clinic. c) in a boat. d) in a plane.

5. a) 10:10. b) 9:50. c) 9:40. d) 9:10.

6. a) she does not like john at all.

b) john has got many admirers.

c) she does not think john is handsome.

d) john has just got a bachelor's degree.

7. a) he has been bumping along for hours.

b) he has got a sharp pain in the neck.

c) he is involved in a serious accident.

d) he is trapped in a terrible traffic jam.

8. a) she is good at repairing things.

b) she is a professional mechanic.

c) she should improve her physical condition.

d) she cannot go without a washing machine.

questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. a) some witnesses failed to appear in court.

b) the case caused debate among the public.

c) the accused was found guilty of stealing.

d) the accused refused to plead guilty in court.

10. a) he was out of his mind.

b) he was unemployed.

c) his wife deserted him.

d) his children were sick.

11. a) he had been in jail before.

b) he was unworthy of sympathy.

c) he was unlikely to get employed.

d) he had committed the same sort of crime.

questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. a) irresponsible. b) unsatisfactory. c) aggressive. d) conservative.

13. a) internal communication.

b) distribution of brochures.

c) public relations.

d) product design.

14. a) placing advertisements in the trade press.

b) drawing sketches for advertisements.

c) advertising in the national press.

d) making television commercials.

15. a) she has the motivation to do the job.

b) she is not so easy to get along with.

c) she knows the tricks of advertising.

d) she is not suitable for the position.

questions 16 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

16. a) the cozy communal life.

b) innovative academic programs.

c) the cultural spanersity.

d) impressive school buildings.

17. a) it is very beneficial to their academic progress.

b) it helps them soak up the surrounding culture.

c) it is as important as their learning experience.

d) it ensures their physical and mental health.

18. a) it offers the most challenging academic programs.

b) it has the world's best-known military academies.

c) it provides numerous options for students.

d) it draws faculty from all around the world.

passage two

questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. a) they try to give students opportunities for experimentation.

b) they are responsible merely to their ministry of education.

c) they strive to develop every student's academic potential.

d) they ensure that all students get roughly equal attention.

20. a) it will arrive at boulogne at half past two.

b) it crosses the english channel twice a day.

c) it is now about half way to the french coast.

d) it is leaving folkestone in about five minutes

21. a) opposite the ship's office.

b) at the rear of b deck.

c) next to the duty-free shop.

d) in the front of a deck.

passage three

questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. a) it is the sole use of passengers travelling with cars.

b) it is much more spacious than the lounge on c deck.

c) it is for the use of passengers travelling with children.

d) it is for senior passengers and people with vip cards.

23. a) it was named after its location.

b) it was named after a cave art expert.

c) it was named after its discoverer.

d) it was named after one of its painters.

24. a) animal painting was part of the spiritual life of the time.

b) deer were worshiped by the ancient cro-magnon people.

c) cro-magnon people painted animals they hunted and ate.

d) they were believed to keep evils away from cave dwellers.

25. a) they know little about why the paintings were created.

b) they have difficulty telling when the paintings were done.

c) they are unable to draw such interesting and fine paintings.

d) they have misinterpreted the meaning of the cave paints.

if you are attending a local college, especially one without residence halls, you'll probably live athome and commute to classes. this arrangement has a lot of __26__. it's cheaper. itprovides a comfortable and familiar setting, and it means you'll get the kind of home cookingyou're used to instead of the monotony (单调) that __27__ even the best institutional food.

however, commuting students need to __28__ to become involved in the life of their collegeand to take special steps to meet their fellow students. often, this means a certain amount ofinitiative on your part in __29__ and talking to people in your classes whom you think youmight like.

one problem that commuting students sometimes face is their parents' unwillingness torecognize that they're adults. the __30__ from high school to college is a big one, and if youlive at home you need to develop the same kind of independence you'd have if you were livingaway. home rules that might have been __31__ when you were in high school don't apply. ifyour parents are __32__ to renegotiate, you can speed the process along by letting yourbehavior show that you have the responsibility that goes with maturity. parents are morewilling to __33__ their children as adults when they behave like adults. if, however, there's somuch friction at home that it __34__ your academic work, you might want to consider sharingan apartment with one or more friends. sometimes this is a happy solution when family__35__ make eneryone miserable.

1-5 d a d c a

6-10 b d a c b

11-15 c d d b a

16-20 d c c d b

21-25 a b c a b

26. anxiety


es to

29.a body of

























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