


when i hear the song "mother in the candlelight", i can't help but burst into tears. usually, my mother loves me very much, takes care of me, comforts me and encourages me in return, i decided to wash my mother's feet once.

我从厨房端了一盆热,把妈妈的脚放到盆子里,妈妈说:“我自己来。”我说:“妈妈,我帮你洗脚,你平时那么疼我,现在我来帮你洗洗脚。我现在长大了,不会再让您担心。妈妈,你天天 工作,这么辛苦地养育我长大,我早就该报答您了。”我拿起毛巾一抹,感觉特别粗糙,很刺手,细细观察,发现上面有的地方裂开了好几道口子,隐约看到血迹,我含着热泪,抚摸着这及熟悉又陌生 的双脚,心里隐隐作痛。

i brought a basin of hot water from the kitchen and put my mother's feet in the basin. my mother said, "i'll do it myself." i said, "mom, i'll help you wash your feet. you usually hurt me so much. now i'll help you wash your feet.". i'm growing up now, and i won't worry you any more. mom, you work every day, so hard to raise me and grow up, i should repay you long ago. " i picked up the towel and felt it was very rough and prickly. i observed it carefully and found that there were several cracks in some places on it. i could see the blood trace faintly. i was touching the familiar and strange feet with tears in my eyes, and my heart ached faintly.


before, it was my mother who helped me wash it. now i want to help my mother wash it. later, i will do more work, take the initiative to do housework, study hard, and be a good loving child.



mother's day is coming, my teacher assigned a homework, let's do something for mom and dad. i want to wash my mom's feet, usually my mom does. i also want to wash my mom's feet once.


i took a foot basin to pick up warm water and tried the temperature of the water by hand. i was afraid that my mother would be hot and frozen. i carefully took the water and went to her and said, "mom, i'll wash your feet." my mother's eyes were glistening with tears just after my words were finished. my mother took off her shoes. i saw many blisters on her feet. i was very sad. i put my mother's feet in the foot basin and gently rubbed her feet. after a while, my mother's feet became dry and clean. my mother smiled.


mom said, "you're growing up!"

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