



中考一般指初中学业平考试。 初中毕业考试(the academic test for the junior high school students),简称“中考”,是检验初中毕业生是否达到初中毕业水平的考试。以下就是小编收集的中考英语时间介词和可数与不可数名词复习资料,欢迎鉴赏。

1.[考点解析]时间介词。in表示在某年、某季度、某月、某周、一天中某段时间。如:in 1999,in spring,in february,2002,in a week,in the evening.

on表示某一天或某天中的某段时间。如:on sunday,on the morning of may 1,

on march 8,on a cold spring morning.

at表示某个具体的时刻。如:at eight oclock,at this time of year,at the moment,at the same time.

注意有些表示时间的词语前如有last,next或this,则一般不用介词,如:last night/week/month/term/sunday/monday?

next week/month/term?

this year/week/month/term//sunday/monday?

the next day/week/month/term/year.

[真题再现] the evening of may 31?the 2002 fifa world cup started in south korea. (北京海淀2002)

a. on b. at c. of d. in

china became a wto member

december 11th?2001. (北京崇文2002)

a. in b. at c. of d. on

________a cold morning?i opened the window and was glad to find that it was snowing outside. (北京东城2002)

a. by b. in c. at d. on


注意:当不可数名词用在数词+单位词+of结构时,如果数词和单位词是复数形式,后面的不可数名词也不能加-s或-es。如:two bottles of water?many glasses of milk?etc.

1.1 名词的可数与不可数


不可数名词前一般不能用冠词a、an来表示数量,不复数形式。要表示“一个……”这一律念,就须加a piece of这一类短语。要留心良多名词在汉语里看来是可数名词,在英语里却不可数。如:chalk,paper,bread,rice,grass,news等。

1.2 名词复数的规则变革


b.以s, x, ch, sh, 结尾的加-es



1.3 名词的所有格


如:the worker's bike,the children’ s ball

b.表示多少个人共有一样东西,只有在最后一个人的名字后加’ s若表示各自所有,则需在各个名字后’ s。

如: this is lucy and licy’ s room.

these are kate's and jack’ s rooms.

c. 如果是通过在词尾加―s构成的复数形式的名词,只加’。

如:the students’ books,the girls’ blouses


2.1 人称代词


i me my mine myself copyright .com

复数 we us our ours ourselves

第二人称 copyright .com

单数 you you your yours yourself

复数 you you your yours yourselves


单数 he him his his himself

she her her hers herself

it it its its itself

复数 they them their theirs themselves

2.2 物主代词




2.3 反身代词



如:i enjoyed myself at the party.另一种是作名词或代词的同位语;用来加强语气。如:i

can do it myself.

2.4 领导代词




2.5 不定代词



3.2 定冠词的基本用法


b. 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物前面。 copyright .com


3.3 定冠词的特殊用法


b. 用在序数词、形容词的最高级及only所修饰的名词前。





g. 和某些形容词连用,表示某一类人或事物。

3.4 名词前不用冠词的情况

a. 在专著名词 (包含人名、地名、节日、月份、节令) 、物质名词和形象名词前―般不用冠词。但在以festival组成的民间节日前要加the。

b. 表示一类人或事物的复数名词前。

c. 名词前有物主代词、教唆代词、不定代词或名词所有格润饰时,不必冠词。

d. 三餐饭、球类、棋类、游戏名称前一般不用冠词。正在有些词组中,有无冠词含意不同。

(sit) at table就餐; sit at the table坐在桌边 copyright .com

go to school去上学;go to the school去那所学校;in hospital住院;in the hospital在那个医院里

4.1 数字的表示 copyright .com



4.2 序数词除了first,second,third外,其余都在基数词尾加-th构成。


4.4 hundreds(thousands,millions)of……

5.1 形容词的位置

(1)形容词作定语一般要放在名词前面,但当形容词修饰不定代词something,nothing,anything时要放在所修饰的不定代词之后。如:something important,nothing serious。


we have dug a hole two meters deep.

the hole is about two metres deep.

5.2 形容词的比较等级

(1) 单音节词和少数双音节词,在词尾加―(e)r,―(e)st来构成比较级和最高级。其余双音节


popular―――more popular―――most popular

important―more important―most important

5.3 副词比较级的构成

(1) 单音节副词和个别双音节副词通过加-er,-est来构成比较级和最高级。

(2) 绝大多数副词借助more,most来构成比拟级和最高等。

(3) 少数副词的不规矩变更:

原级 比较级最高级

well better best

badly worse worst

much more most

little less least

far farther farthest

farthest furthest

late later latest

(4) 副词的最高级前面可能不加定冠词the。

(5) 常用句型有like a better than b跟like a(the)best of(in)…


6.1 表示时间的介词及介词短语? copyright .com

in, at, on, before,after,till,since,for, fromto, until, by,in the middle of,at the beginning of, at the end of,at half past five,at night,in a week,in the morning,in class,at sunrise, in spring/summer/autumn/winter,on sunday,on saturday afternoon,on a winter evening,for a long time,for two months,after school,since liberation,before lunch,at the time of,at the age of。

6.2 表示地点的介词及介词短语?

in,at,into,to,on,beside,before,behind,above,under,outside,inside,up,from,far,from,near,across, off, down, among, past,between,out of,around,in the front of, in the middle of, at the back of,at the foot of,at home,at the gate,at the table,in the sky, on the ground,in a tree, in the south,in the sun,in the bed,on one’s way home,by the side of。

概念: 表示常常发生的动作或时常存在的状态。

常和 always , often , usually , sometimes , every day 等表时间的状语连用。


1) i go to school every day . 我每天都去学校。(表常常)

2) he is always like that . 他总是那样。 (表状态)


1) 主语 + be (am / are / is ) +……

2) 主语 + 实义动词 + …


1) 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态.

常和表示过去的时间状语连用. 如: yesterday , last week , in , two days ago等.

如: i went to a movie yesterday. 我昨天去看了一场电影.

2) 也可表示过去常常或反复发生的动作.

如: he always went to work by bike last week.


1) 主语 + be (was / were ) +……

2) 主语 + 实义动词过去式 +

概念: 表示现在(谈话刹那)正在进行或发生的动作.

如: he is singing.

they are watching tv now.

构成: 主语 + 助动词be(am/are/is) + 动词-ing形式构成.

概念: 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作. 这一特定的过去时间除了有高下文暗示


如: 1) ---what were you doing?

---i was jumping.

2) ---what was the boy doing when the ufo arrived?

---he was sleeping. copyright .com

形成: 主语 + 助动词be(was/were) + 动词-ing情势构成.

概念: 表示将来某个时间要产生的动作或存在的状况,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作,常与表

示未来的时光状语连用,如: tomorrow, next week, next year, in the future等.

如: he will go shopping tomorrow.

they are going to play basketball next week.

构成: 1) 主语 + 助动词will + 动原 +…

2) 主语 + be going to + 动原 + ….

概念: 表示在过去将来的某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态.


1) 主语(第一人称) + 助动词should + 动原 +…

2) 主语 + would + 动原 + …. copyright .com

3) 主语 + was/ were going to +动原…

用法: 过去将来时除了上下文暗示外,一般常用在间接引语中,主句谓语动词为过去时态.


1) i should go.

2) you knew i would come.

3) they were going to naning.

构成: 主语 + 助动词 ( have / has ) + 动词过去分词 +…

用法 例句

表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果. ---have you had your lunch yet?

---yes, i have. (现在我不饿了)

概念: 表示从从前某一时间开端持续到现在的动作.这一动作可能是刚开始,也可能仍在连续,并可能连续到将来.

构成: 主语 + 助动词 (have / has ) + been + 动词-ing +…

如: 1. i have been sitting here for an hour.

2. she has been collecting stamps for about 6 years.

构成: 主语 + 助动词 had + 动词过去分词 +…

用法 例句

表示过去在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作.它表示的动作发生的时间是”过去的从前”.表示过去某一时间可用by, before 等构成的短语,也可用when, before, 等引导的从句或者通过高低文表示. i had finished my homework when my mom came back home.


1. it's our duty to protect our environment.

2. it is very important to take care of our environment

3. we should not throw litter onto the ground

4. we should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees

5. we should plant more flowers and trees.

6. we must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin

7. if everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.


1. last sunday (saturday), it was sunny (rainy, windy, foggy)

2. i got up very early (late). after breakfast i went to …with my friends by bike, bus,…

3. we enjoyed ourselves.

4. we forgot the time. we didn't come back until 5 o'clock.

5. we all felt very tired, but we were happy.

6. i thought i would never forget this trip.

7. last summer, my parents and i went to beijing for our holidays.

8. we visited a lot of places of interest.

9. we had a good time there.

10. we bought a lot of things. the clothes here are good and cheap.


1. last sunday, class one had a football match with class two.

2. all of us went to watch it.

3. the match was very exciting.

4. in fact, i have never seen such an exciting match before.

5. the score was 5-3. our team scored three goals in the last fifteen minutes.

6. class one won this match. class two lost.

7. class one played well. they deserved to win.

8. their pe teacher was very pleased with their performance.


1. it is very important to keep healthy.

2. how can we keep healthy?

3. we can't go to sleep too late. we can't get up too late.

4. we should eat the food healthily.

5. we should do more exercise.

6. last tuesday i got a cold and had a pain in my head.

7. i didn't feel like eating anything.

8. i decided to see the doctor.

9. in the doctor's office, the doctor looks over me carefully.

10. he said :“nothing serious.” and he told me to take a rest and drink more water.

11. a nurse gave me an injection. it was a little painful.

12. the doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day.

13. a few days later, i felt better. from then on i believe that keeping healthy is the most important thing in the world.


1. my favorite subject is english.

2. more than three quarters of the information on the internet is in english.

3. it is used by travelers and business people all over the world.

4. china has joined the wto and the olympic games will be held in china.

english becomes more and more useful.

5. because english is very important and i like english very much.

6. we have a lot of fun in the english class.

7. our english teacher often makes us happy in the english class.

8. i hope i can go abroad one day, and then i can speak to foreigners in english.

9. i like english and try my best to learn it.


1. in china the most important holiday is the spring festival.

2. it comes in january or february.

3. on the spring festival eve people have a big dinner. they have a lot of nice food to eat.

4. during the spring festival people have a lot of interesting things to do.

5. people visit their relatives and friends.

6. they greet each other with a hug and say, “happy new year”.

7. as china is a big country, people in different places celebrate this holiday in different ways.


1. his name is jack.

2. he was born in london in 1982.

3. he is 1.68 meters tall and weighs 52 kilos.

4. he is 20 years old.

5. he comes from england.

6. he is a good ping-pong player.

7. he is medium build.

8. he has short hair.

9. he is outgoing. every one likes to talk with him. he gets on well with us.

10. he teaches english very well.

11. he works very hard. he works in no.5 middle school.

12. he loves watching football games after work.

13. he often helps me with my english.

14. at the age of six, he began to play table tennis.


1. jim got up very early.

2. jim cleaned the room and do the housework.

3. jim went to shop and did some shopping.

4. jim did some cooking.

5. jim fed the cat.

6. jim sweeps the floor.

7. he washes the dishes.

8. he has lunch at school.

9. it is a busy day. he is very tired. but he feels happy.





















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