



以题为should we use animals in experiments? 的作文为例,考生可以参考一下步骤行文:

1) 先引出两个观点,即一部分人同意,而另一部分人表示反对,如:

nowadays,experimental usage of animals has become a major concern around the world. attitudes towards this issue vary greatly. some people think that it doesn’t matter to use animals in experiments,but some other people don’t agree with them.

2) 然后在主题部分分别论述,如:

those people who think that we should use animals believe that human beings are the lord of the world. they argue that they have the rights to kill other animals. while others believe that it is inhuman to disrespect other creatures. animals suffer physically and mentally as human beings do. using animals in experiments is an extremely crude behavior.

3) 总结自己的观点。如:

as far as i am concerned, i am inclined to agree with the latter point of view. it would be at stake to depend on the results of animal experiment, since they differ from us in many ways. experiments on animals are not quite necessary and reliable. hence, we should stop such non-profitable experiments.


以题为is studying abroad a good or bad choice?的作文为例,考生可以参考以下步骤行文:

1) 引出评论对象,如:

studying abroad is a common occurrence in our lives. the attitudes towards this issue vary from person to person. some people say that they dislike it. but i believe that there are many advantages for us to studying abroad.

2) 分点展开评论,如:

for one thing,studying in another country will help students know about a new culture, and there will be a chance for them to experience cultures different from theirs. for another, living in a foreign country will help students develop their abilities. they will have to handle a lot of new situations which will challenge their capability a lot. last but not least, talking with native speakers day and night, they are quite possible to master that language better than students at home.

3) 最后总结,如:

to conclude, i think that the students who choose to go abroad to study have made a good decision. such experience will be useful and memorable for all their lives.


以题为on the shortage of fresh water 的作文为例,考生可以参考以下步骤行文:

1) 提出问题,适当描述人们对该问题的看法,如:

nowadays, global shortage of fresh water has become a serious problem on our planet. many

people think that water will never be used up and we never have to worry about water shortage.

2) 说明原因,如:

the truth is that water is rather limited on the earth. a large amount of water has been polluted every day. and many people don’t pay much attention on saving water so that it has been wasted seriously. at the same time, water is more needed than before due to the rapid increase of population and fast development of industries.

3) 提出解决办法,如:

what can we do? first. i think people should be aware of the situation about the shortage of fresh water, and everyone should learn to save water. second, certain laws should be made to punish those who polluted water. and government should take measures to protect the existing water resource. in this way, perhaps the problem will not be a problem in the future.

给出的题目一般是一句谚语或名人名言,要求考生针对该谚语或名言阐述自己的理解,并举例论证。此类文章也应分三段开展:第一段引出格言或谚语,阐述自己的理解;第二段进行例证,最后一段总结从中获得的教益。以题为haste makes waste的作文为例,考生可以参考一下步骤行文:

1) 引出格言,阐述自己的理解,如:

the old proverb ” haste makes waste” remind me that the quicker you do something, the worse the result is. it is correct in many case even today.

2) 举例说明,如:

it can be proved by many facts. for example, when i was young, i love flower very much. i couldn’t wait to see the flowers in bloom, so i watered and fertilized it every day. but the result is that the flower died in no time. moreover, we can always learn that someone killed himself in a terrible accident caused by his high speed in driving.

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